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We need to SPEAK for those who cannot SPEAK for themselves!

Things You Should Know

10 Things you should know about the Entewatatha:wi Process

  1. Akwesasne and Canada are working toward a Final Agreement that will recognize Akwesasne's jurisdiction over their lands.

  2. No Final Agreement with Canada will be made until there is full consultation with the Akwesasne membership and a vote by the Akwesasne's members approving the Final Agreement.

  3. Negotiations do not address land claims, nor can they disapprove or limit Akwesasne's land claims processes.  The Agreement will not be a treaty.

  4. The Agreement will NOT limit or restrict the Mohawk Nation, the Haudenosaunee or other communities within the Mohawk Nation of their rights.

  5. There is no change in the constitutional status of Akwesasne reserve lands.  They remain as reserves, federal lands held for the use and benefit of the Mohawks of Akwesasne.

  6. Existing interests in Akwesasne Lands, such as Certificate of Possession, continue to exist and are fully recognized in the Final Agreement.

  7. The existing Indian Act tax exemption (s.87) will continue. We will NOT be taxed.

  8. The Final Agreement states clearly it will not "prejudice, limit or restrict Akwesasne's Aboriginal  or treaty rights recognized under section 35(1) of the Constitutional Act 1982."

  9. The fiduciary (a person to who property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another)  relationship with Canada continues.  Canada will continue to provide funding for programs and services.  Akwesasne members will continue to be entitled to federal programs and benefits (i.e. employment insurance, Canada Pension, health insurance and Remission Order, etc).

  10. Canada is NOT relieved of responsibility or liability for their actions, errors or decisions made by Canada prior to Akwesasne taking over jurisdiction or management of a subject area. 


Agreements and Codes Members of Akwewsasne will vote on

Final  Project Goal.png

Voting Requirements

  • Must  be 18 years of age

  • Members that live anywhere in the world


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